Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How to create and use a RAML in Mulesoft 4.1

How to create and use a RAML in Mulesoft 4.1

In this blog I have covered 2 concepts

  1. Creation of a RAML.
  2. Import a RAML in Mulesoft Anypoint studio and deploy it successfully.
Pre-Requirements :       
1)User should have Access to Mulesoft Anypoint platform.
                        2)User Should Install Anypoint studio in his/her local system.

Creation of a RAML

Navigation to create a RAML file:

Navigate to given URL https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/

Provide the Username and Password.

Navigate to Design Center.

Click on Create.

Click on Create API specification.

Give API name as shown in below fig and select RAML language, click on Create Specification.

Add the RAML in code editor.

Consider below fig as sample.

  1. Enable the Mocking service
  2. Click on the show symbols 

After enable the Mocking services we can see URL which is helpful to run this RAML.
                                                  1) Click on Download project.

It will download the project automatically as a Zip  file. Go to the particular location where the file is located download and unzip it.

Import a RAML in Mulesoft Anypoint studio and deploy it successfully.

Open Mulesoft Anypoint studio which is installed in his/her local system.

Click on file,New,Mule Project.
Specify the project name and click on finish as shown in below fig.

Paste the RAML which we have unzip under Src/main/resources api folder below is the screenshot for reference.
Right click on the RAML file, Click on Mule -> Generate Flows from REST API

Note: Generate flows from REST API will appear when the RAML is correct. 

Flows fill be generated automatically. Below is the screenshot for reference.
Change the port name and Run the project. 
Right click on project name and select Run As and click on Run Configurations.
Select the project name which we need to run and click on RUN.
Project is success fully deployed and Ready to use.

Result: Successfully RAML is created and deployed Mulesoft Anypoint studio.  

Further, any queries reach me,

Thank you,
Sai Prasad D,
Sr Technical Consultant,
Mouri Tech Pvt Ltd.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Publish a Application Integration process and control the response using SoapUI.

Create a process using an output variable and assign your name and publish the process.
Use the SoapUI URL in property details and create a project in SoapUI with the help of URL and test the process.

Click on given URL - -https://dm-us.informaticacloud.com/identity-service/home
Able to see like below screen
Login with your credentials. After login we can see this page

Able to see below screen shot
Change the process name according to naming convention.

After changing the naming conventions then click on Start which is mention as step2 in above screen shot. 

After click on allow anonymous access check box then click on input Fields.

Note: Allow anonymous access which is used to create SoapUI Services URL (or) Services URL after save and publish the process.

Click on + symbol which is able to see right side. + symbol is used to create to number of input fields for this sample process I am using two input fields and concat into one output field
 Step1: + symbol which is used to create number of output fields.

Step2: Created one output variable as full name
Step3: Drag and drop assignment step to the flow.

After drag and drop assignment step into the flow below is the screen shot.

 Step1: Click on Add Field and select output field which is created in start.

Step2: Select Formula
Step3: In this step concat to input fields as a formula.

Below is the screen shot for the step3.

Click on each step one by one

After step4 we are able to see the property details in this property details copy  the SOAP Services URL.

After copying the Soap services URL open SoapUI Application.

SoapUI application is open.
Click on file and select New SoapUI project. paste the Soap services URL in Initial WSDL box with extension of ?wsdl and the click OK.

New Soap project is created

Result: The process is successfully run from SoapUI application. 

Further, any queries reach me,

Thank you,
Sai Prasad D,
Consultant Trainee,
Mouri Tech Pvt Ltd,